coleen's blog
deep south mouth zine

a mama's calendar

as I turned my calendar pages over this morning, I realized that it's time!
time to make the calendar. so, people, mothers, fathers, partners, kids, friends & allies,
send me your best stuff, by December 1, to
the mama calendar
coleen murphy
PO box 741655
new orleans, LA
calendars will be available on or around December 20, 2006, for $12 a piece,
payable by check, cash, money order or paypal.
advance orders are what make the calendar project possible.
ask about wholesale pricing for orders of ten or more.
here is what the cover of the 2006 edition looked like:

the mama calendar is a community building-consciousness raising resource by,
of, about and for progressive, feminist, activist mothers and their families,
friends & allies everywhere. it is a celebration and a call to action, a thing
of beauty to last the year.
edited by coleen murphy, the calendar features photos of mamas, babies,
children, dads, and friends, as well as a guide to mama-made zines, alternative
parenting resources, recipes, recipes for revolution, great dates in radical
mama herstory, and the work of numerous artist/activist/mamas. recent editions have featured
ayun halliday, victoria law, laurel dykstra, sonja smith, trula breckenridge and heather cushman-dowdee,
among others.
for the latest information on next year's edition, check in at
a handful of 06 editions are still available for $4 a piece.
about the 2006 calendar:
once upon a time I evacuated from New Orleans
with my kids and their father and our dog
and spent a month living in a strange place and
then came home to a much stranger place and
in the middle of all of this was a moment
when I thought, well, I can't make a calendar
this year, how could I? but after that came
a moment when I thought, how can I not?
when we’d been back for two days, my six year
old woke up one morning and said, it's really
not fair for New Orleans, right? And even though
we're the luckiest people in New Orleans it's not
even fair for us, right?
all I could think was, where did someone raised
by a digressive babbler get the ability to be so
succinctly dead on? of course he’s right. we are
among the luckiest people in New Orleans – we evacuated safely
to a relative’s home in central Louisiana, were sent generous
care packages by friends during our exile, and returned
to a house that was miraculously untouched by the storm –
and yet, no, it’s not even fair for us.
there is gratitude and lots of it, but there
is also grief, despair and rage.
and there is much I could say about that,
but this is supposed to be the short version
of this story, so I'll leave it.
we all do what we can do. I made this.

adorning this page are some of the photos featured in the mama calendars
for 04, 05 & 06.
scroll on down for a good look...